Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Comment on Monkey See Monkey Do

Monkey See Monkey Do Article:

First and foremost, there is no connection between video games and the 10 year old that started the Southern California forest fires. He admitted to police that he was playing with matches and accidentally started the fire, but that in no way, shape, or form implies that video games are at the root of his motivation. Until we have steadfast evidence that he said he "did it because he saw it on a video game," there is no plausible evidence to suggest that these 2 factors coincide. As a matter of fact, the statement given by the D.A., Steve Cooley, said, "there is no evidence of intent on the part of the minor."

You also ask the question, "Yet who should we be mad at, the boy, his parents, or some video game he picked up?" I don't think we should be mad at anyone if it truly was an accident. At best, we can say the parents were negligent in leaving matches accessible to a 10 year old, but we all know kids get into everything and it's impossible to keep everything away from a child. Once again, if it truly was an accident then we also can't blame the boy. It was an absolutely horrible accident, but a mistake, nonetheless. The D.A. of Los Angeles agrees with me on this one and decided not to file criminal charges, meaning not to hold fault to the boy, after reviewing all the evidence. So that only leaves video games, and we have already stated that there is no established connection between the two. We don't even know if this boy played video games.

My question is, what made you jump to the conclusion that video games were involved?

1 comment:

Thomas said...

No no no you missed my point. I am FOR videogames, whether they be violent or just childish. I think you interpreted my blog as an attack on videogames. Its not I promsie. My point was simply that parents, and Presidents alike should not point the finger a their childs source of entertainment, whenever their kid makes a mess.

My answer to your question, is the buzz going around every gamers chatroom, that Senator Clinton is looking to make it illegal to sell mature rated videogames to those under 18.
Right now the only penalty for selling a graphic videogame to a minor is a minor slap on the wrist by a police officer at most. What Hillary is looking to do is make it a slap in the face, and a long jail sentence.
THAT is what has got me all riled up.