Friday, September 14, 2007

"Back Iraq"

An article in the Chicago Sun Times entitled, Back Iraq When I'm Gone, highlights some of President Bush's key points in his speech given this past Thursday night.

Bush ordered gradual reductions in the number of U.S. troops still stationed in Iraq, stating that almost 168,000 troops will have returned home by this July of 2008. Despite these reductions however, Bush is still standing firm behind the Iraqi war. He asked that after his presidency has come to an end, that we still continue at least minimal efforts in Iraq.

He also acknowledges the fact that the Iraqi government was not as quick to meet the political goals the U.S. had set for them as was originally fore casted. While there is progress, there are around 8 "benchmarks" that have yet to gain a satisfactory score.

While Bush has made somewhat of an effort to bring the troops home, looks like this war will not be over just yet. We need to make sure that we are keeping posted on the war in Iraq. Some of those soldiers still serving could be your friends and family.

For more information go to:,CST-NWS-bush14.article

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